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Whistleblower procedure

Prevas is a global company, and our business activities affect many stakeholders including owners, investors, employees, customers, suppliers and the society. All our stakeholders should be confident that the way we do business does not only comply with legal requirements, but also meets the highest ethical standards to ensure that our reputation remains good.

Prevas supports the UN Global Compacts’ 10 principles and our Code of Conduct is based upon these principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption.

Here you have the opportunity to report misconduct that you are aware of, or suspect, has happened or will happen at Prevas. The channel is only to be used to report about misconduct in work related situations and only if you have reason to suspect that your information is true.

The reporting channel is anonymous. The service is handled by an external party (Puls+) and the notifications are sent and read by carefully selected persons with confidentiality.