Our commitment
A recommended “Get started kit" when start-up of Prevas MES Track´N´Trace would comprise of three basic steps:
* Additional service might be needed for this step. Additional on-site training is available for larger sites and is provided as an extended service. Of course, we offer on-site support before, during and after production start also as an extended service.
Web based training
Training of customer's staff is performed by one of our instructors.
During the training we will deal thoroughly with all the operations performed by the different roles in Track´N´Trace. Explanations will be followed by exercises on the web. You will spend time getting to know the different functions involved.
The aim of the training is to give you the basic training that is needed to work with Track´N´Trace system at the site.
Basic setup and configuration of site base data
In this start-up phase of Prevas MES Track´N´Trace we first plan the implementation in cooperation with the customer, followed by the basic setup and configuration of site base data. The Prevas team configure and setup user accounts, product preparation, label preparation, serial number ranges (if any), local zebra printers e t c that enables Track´N´Trace go-live.
Customer data migration kit
During this phase migration of data from other systems are performed. Transfer of BOM data, label layout files etc needed from local site sources into Track´N´Trace is performed, supported by basic tools and instruction provided by the Prevas team.
Customer commitment
Actions according to the requirements on system target environment must be carried out before implementation can start-up, see system requirements.
A factory code should be opened at the Tracy Help Desk for transfer of traceability information to TRACY, if used.
Operative commitment
It is essential that the customer's contact person is available to assist with information during start-up. It also of great advantage if the person(s) that shall be Prevas MES Track´N´Trace system responsible is present during start-up and training.
Organizational commitment
It would be of advantage if the following roles were appointed: